

海纳百川 2023-11-23 09:39:43

Product introduction: 产品介绍

3D vision, office/ entertainment/ education-24inch active polarization display is enough: 3D视觉、办公/娱乐/教育- 24寸主动偏振显示器已足够

Outstanding color performance: with a fast response time of 5m/s, 96~120hz refresh rate, it can eliminate blurred and dynamic blur situations, 1000:1 contrast ratio, and present outstanding color performance, so that you enjoy a better sensory experience.


5m/s fast response: 5m/s 快速响应

96-120hz high refresh rate: 96-120hz高刷新率

1000:1 high contrast: 1000:1对比度

Others monitor: Screen flash, when moving fast, the picture is blurred.


Our monitor: high fidelity image quality, the picture is smooth and clea